Thursday 8 March 2012

First Bank, KIA TVC
-Brand Plagiarism or Sheer Coincidence?

What litters our television screens in form of advert are so similar that makes one wonder what has happened to creativity. Creativity comes from the spark of an idea: but what causes the spark? The concept to creativity often begins with a lead that is either concrete or abstract, just like any good piece of art which is usually inspired by a strong connection that holds the creator to his work. There are no limits to where a lead might come from sometimes they resonate from the commonest of imaginations. However there are limits to which one can imitate a lead. It is believed that after the individual get the lead he then infers is own step from there.   
A recent observation shows how brands are adopting concept of other brands to project theirs. The recent act of plagiarism is displayed in full flare between KIA motors and First Bank Plc, where both ran a TVC with sharp similarity in concept, whereas that of KIA motors was more characters acting their roles without saying anything under the background tone that of First Bank had it character a man who voiced out his words telling how he like his different activities and his bank.
The First bank ad had lines like ‘I like what I do’, ‘I like going on holiday with my family’, I love football, I like my car, I like my bank and so on while that of the KIA though voiceless has boldly written captions like ‘I like it, I like fun’, I like caring, I like uniqueness, I like my car’. These line make one wonder, is this plagiarism or sheer coincidence of idea? 
The First Bank TVC titled “My Bank and I” is currently running on our national television depicting a man who likes, gadgets, football and even family amongst other things, ending with a statement “I like my bank”. With a cursory look at both TVC one will understand immediately the similarity.
The KIA motor TVC also running on CNN titled “KIA Open Drive” has got the grand slam champion and former world No1. Rafael Nadal who feature as part of the character in the TVC had the slam where he stepped on the KIA car to get a good lift to smash the ball.
After examining both TVCs, Martins Ogumah, a marketing communications expert, pointed out that the elements employed in the Kia TVC, had a connection with Kia as a brand. He said the concept used in the Kia TVC, depicted innovation, creativity, uniqueness and durability which can be attributable to cars.
On the other hand, Mr. Ogumah believes that the First Bank TVC, lacked connection with respect to the fact that the TVC seems disjointed in trying to link the elements of the TVC with the bank itself. He also cited an example in the First Bank TVC where the actor, said he loves football. Mr. Ogumah, questioned the relevance or link between loving football and First Bank.

He concluded by stating that although both TVCs have similar themes, it was obvious that the creative use of the “I like” theme for the Kia TVC, connected well with what was advertised. While for First Bank the elements used seems disjointed in the depiction of First Bank as a brand. He opined that the First Bank TVC may have been inspired by Kia’s.
Another brand analyst, Patrick Makau a Kenyan national Abuja Nigeria his of the opinion that since the KIA TVC is aired only on international TV it’s nothing related to plagiarism.
‘The KIA TVC is for international audience for a particular international event, which means it’s for peculiar target audience, they can be excused. While that of First Bank is for the African market especially Nigeria and not on international TV like CNN we can say they have a message to pass to their consumers. A brand’s identity is an important representation of the company’s image and reputation. It’s far more than a logo and needs to be carefully considered and crafted around a distinctive and authentic idea. Choosing a strategic brand design partner is essential to uncover your brand’s DNA and then bring it to life in a unique and compelling way to truly connect with your audiences, build loyalty and help your business survive and grow. Protecting this intellectual property legally is equally as important. So if it’s a matter of plagiarism this two international brand will not take it lightly with whoever is the culprit.’
Another person who preferred anonymity said it’s a common phenomenon to see brands imitating or copying another in this part of the world. He cited an example of another brand he feels are in the same shoe with KIA and Firsbank.
‘I was struck by the similarity of the Silverwater Resort brand to that of Emaar Properties. But the similarity of the brand identity made me feel like the whole experience was not authentic.
The Silverwater and Emaar brand marks are very similar in graphic style and elements used. So much so, that without putting the logos side by side, the Silverwater logo seems like the Emaar logo in another colour. I even queried whether they were owned by Emaar, which would have made sense – apparently not!
Of course, there are several possible scenarios. One of the logos could be an imitation of the other, it may have been inspired by an already present design style or it could be just by chance that the designs look similar. Unfortunately, with brand identity design, there is a thin line between plagiarism, inspiration and coincidence.
The meat of the story however borders on the issue of plagiarism where one copied the other. It leaves one guessing who then copied and who then generated the original concept of the TVC? To clarify on the issue of similarity both party were reached to speak on their own side of the story was rather distasteful. As at the time of filling this report the agencies that handle advertising activities were exonerating themselves from the ad as having not to do with it.

In a visit to First Bank to hear their own side of the story was met with a cold respond as the Personal Assistant to the Head of Marketing Communication told our source who came to hear their own side said “the head of marketing communications and the deputy are out of the office for a function and no other person is allowed to speak on this issue” she gave our source a phone number with an extension code that never went through to call back.
Similarly a visit to Dana Head office, management of KIA motors a few blocks away from the First Bank was some worth similar are the receptionist told our reporter that all the mangers were out of the office and the head of communication was on leave out of the country.
Both the First Bank My Bank and I, and Kia Open Drive TVCs. Our concern, is whether the similarity in both TVCs, is as a result of different sparks that led to similar results? Or is it a case of blatant plagiarism?

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